visual identity

identidad visual

Although we usually call any type of visual identity “logo”, the truth is that Not everything are LOGOS (neither logos are the only thing that makes up the visual identity).


color palette


#2ea2db (hex) / 46, 162, 219 (RGB) / 79, 26, 0, 14 (CMYK)

paleta cromatica-celestevisual-2ea2db_


 #f39e71 (hex) / 243, 158, 113 (RBG) / 0, 35, 53, 5  (CMYK)


#706f6f (hex) / 112, 111, 111 (RBG) / 0, 1, 1, 56  (CMYK) 

paleta cromatica-celestevisual-706f6f


As for the typography (the font, the typeface) that we use, it is habitual to use quite different fonts for titles and other text that are not titles.

However, in this case I chose the same typeface, but with different weights.

name: Quicksand

Titles and highlights: Bold

Texts: Regular


Sometimes we need our logo to adapt to different spaces. For this reason, it is convenient to have it in different sizes: square, horizontal and reduced (isologo).

logo support


The most representative icons of the celestevisual identity: infographics, interactive infographics, visual identity, web design, visuals, animations, the human condition, a day like today, music therapy, universal, fast, effective.

icono infografía
icono condicion humana
icono universal
icono infografía interactiva
icono visual
icono rapidez
icono identidad visual
icono animaciones
icono musicoterapia
icono efectiva


The most representative icons of celestevisual‘s identity: infographics, interactive infographics, visual identity, web design, visuals, animations, the human condition, a day like today, music therapy, universal, fast, effective.

icono infografía
icono condicion humana
icono universal
icono infografía interactiva
icono visual
icono rapidez
icono identidad visual
icono animaciones
icono musicoterapia
icono efectiva


In order to get an idea of how our visual identity will look in different supports, we use mockups.

These are realistic representations in which we place our logo and other visual characteristics of our brand. Depending on the theme we are dealing with, we will choose one or the other. They exist from mugs, t-shirts, pins… to vehicle wraps, wallpapers… anything!

be consistent, memorable

let what you show be a faithful image of who you are and what you do
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