My name is Celeste, and I was born in a small town in the Argentine Patagonia (Pico Truncado) in 1986, but I have been living in Spain since I was 4.
Since then, I’ve lived in several places, starting with Yecla (Murcia) for just 6 months at a very young age. Shortly after we moved to Ponferrada (El Bierzo) where I spent most of my life, where my parents, my little sister and great friends live. Burgos, Madrid, Valladolid and now, Allariz.
I am the median of 3 sisters and I love dogs, taking walks with them, music, movies, series, swimming, biking, cooking, traveling, humor… nothing special.
As for the studies...
My time as a university student began in Burgos, where I studied Audiovisual Communication and graduated in 2010. During this time, I opted for the most theoretical part of communication, specifically for journalism (sector where I did my internship).
This interest in writing and mass media experienced its peak during the Master in Agency Journalism that I did at the EFE Agency in Madrid.
After this experience, and thanks to the course “Audiovisual Media Infographist“, I began to become increasingly interested in the technical part of communication.
I mean the visual, iconic and fast communication that looks for common places in the spectators. The objective: to convey an idea by skipping the language barriers through images.

I like to communicate universally!
Every time I am becoming clearer that this is undoubtedly the form of communication that interests me most to explore (I also love music as a form of expression and connection, but beyond listening to it, so far I have not practiced it).
I like the idea that people who live in opposite parts of the planet are able to communicate thanks to technologies and images (regardless of their language).
After all, as human beings, we share more issues than we believe (although we live geographically very distant).
I keep on learning Graphic Design(and ways to communicate visually)
I do this mostly online, with courses such as:
- Infografía antibostezos (INFOGRAPHICS)
- After Effects CC desde cero: Experto en Animación Digital y Animación de Personajes con After Effects (ANIMATION)
- Storytelling: El arte de contar historias (COPYWRITTING)
- Diseñadores Web Pro (WEB DESIGN)
But also offline, with courses like Especialista en Proyectos de Diseño Gráfico at Design Superior School in Valladolid, where I learned subjects such as:
- Photography (PhotoShop)
- Editorial Design (InDesign)
- Digital Technology (Illustrator)
- Web Design
- Branding
- Packaging