

This factor will depend a lot on whoever creates the infographic, uses images known by as many people as possible.

Instead of spending a lot of time informing yourself through long texts, audios and/or videos, infographics condense the information and, as a result, the message is transmitted in a very agile way.

Because when it comes to communicating with images, it’s easy to convey the message you want unequivocally (this will depend on our expertise in choosing the most appropriate images shared by the common imagination).

icono universal
icono rapida
icono efectiva

Table of contents

they are not the same

I wanted to make an infographic about Introversion and Shyness, from which we can extract some interesting data:

  • Introversion and Shyness are not the same thing (although they are often equated).
  • First onte is innate, while the second is acquired.
  • Introversion, depending on how it is treated in childhood and/or adolescence, can often end up becoming Shyness.
  • Both personality tendencies are not bad by themselves, they are only bad if they cause us suffering.
  • Shy people (especially in adolescence) suffer both physical and psychological effects.
  • It is good to keep in mind that in adolescence, when the only thing we want is to fit in (or the most important thing) is when we suffer the most from Shyness. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is mitigated or even disappears (and like all suffering, when observed with perspective, it brings us many lessons).
Created by celestevisual


Do you consider yourself an Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?

Find out with this quiz!

In your relationships: 1) You prefer to express yourself in writing

2) You avoid casual conversations

3) You think that you are a good listener

4) Your voice is soft and you tend to speak softly using pauses

5) You avoid conflict

6) You think a lot before you speak

7) Social activities make you tired (even if you enjoy them)

8) They judge you as unenthusiastic/apathetic

9) They judge you as calm, little impulsive

10) You don't like to interrupt or be interrupted

11) You don't like to attract attention

12) You don't take much initiative socially

13) You have trouble starting a conversation

With yourself: 14) You enjoy solitude

15) You are not so attracted to money, fame or status

16) You don't take many risks

17) You see details that often go unnoticed

18) You evaluate before joining an activity

19) You have strong reactions to tastes/smells/sounds

20) Environments you don't know bother you

In the professional environment: 21) You want them not to interrupt your concentration

22) You don't show your work until it's done.

23) You work better on your own

24) You avoid doing many things at the same time

25) In class you are more to listen than to participate

Your score is


don't let'em take your place away

Based on @soniaelhakim‘s talk at @tedxruzafa, “NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION, don’t let them take your place away.”
We see that, compared to verbal, non-verbal communication is the one that provides more information (prevailing in case of inconsistencies).
There are many ways to communicate without words.
Some are:

  • Body position
  • Distribution of our belongings
  • Physical appearance and odor
  • Smile (also with the eyes)
  • Listen (and show you do)
  • Adaptation (without mimicry)
  • Be consistent (what we say and how we do it shall be aligned)

As @peterdruckerbr says, “the most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”

emphasize what you say

This time, and continuing with the series of infographics dedicated to non-verbal communication, it is the turn of the ✋🤚
Hands are a perfect complement when it comes to communicating. And there are many gestures that help us communicate different messages. To emphasize what we say 📣

Some of them:
✊ Strength, celebration
🤏 Small, little
✋ Stop, standstill
🙏 Please / thank you

And so, many others (some of which you can see in this infographic).

I extracted the information from the video of the former architect and current scholar of human nature, Roger Velásquez @lasmilpuertas.ig

impossible not to communicate

If non-verbal communication is the type of communication that provides the most information, the LOOK is, within non-verbal communication, the most eloquent. 👁️‍🗨️

It’s the one that provides us with the most information, and has become even more important due to the use of face masks (which only leave the eyes visible).

There are various types of look:

  • Business / power
  • Social
  • Intimate

And it can give us away, letting show things that we would prefer to keep to ourselves… Not in vain, it is known as the mirror of the soul.

Sources: @womenalia and @30kcoaching

The 10 characteristics of DIFFERENT THINKERS

In this occasion, the information is extracted from the book Difference by Bernadette Jiwa, where she talks about the characteristics shared by Different Thinkers, that is, those who think differently (outside the box). As I read it, I found this list of 10 characteristics of Different Thinkers very interesting and immediately thought it would be a good idea for an infographic.

does it seem useful?

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